please contact us quickly, we can exchange one to you,but buyers is responsible for the returning shiping cost. If you are not satisfied with your purchase. Note: We hope it arrive on time but since this is an international delivery, shipping time will be highly depended on the courier company and local customs/duties. We are sincerely sorry to bring all inconvenience to you. Usually the shipping time is about 5-7 days via DHL, UPS, TNT and Fedex Express, 15-30 days via POST AIR to Worldwide, but Because the COVID-19 Global Pandemic recently, the delivery date will may be delayed. A) Items will be sent to all the countries over the world.This package will be sent by Hongkong Airmail Post,EMS,UPS or DHL.ī) Items will be checked carefully before sent out.Ĭ) We will use air bubbles to wrap the items carefully.